Periodical Home > Manuals > Claims



Claiming missing issues has become an important responsibility for the periodicals staff because of two main reasons. Firstly, we cancelled microfiche back files for many of our journal titles and we are now binding them instead. We do not bind incomplete volume. Secondly, many publishers will not honor claims more than 3 or 6 months past the publication date. Be vigilant, and claim the missing issues as soon as possible.

There are two ways of submitting claims:

a. DRA Claims

At the beginning of each month, DRA will generate a missing issue report based on the check-in record.

Verify the information on the report to make sure that the issues are indeed not received.

Make any necessary notes, such as "claim also previous issue", on the report.

Make a copy of the completed claim report for our file. We may need the report to prove certain claims were submitted within the time limit.

Mail the claim report to EBSCO within a week or as soon as possible.

Keep track of the claims. Repeat claims if received no results.

b. EBSCONET Claims

On the DRA serial check-in subsystem, some titles, especially the semi-monthly, do not have an
"expected date", therefore, missing issues for these titles will not be flagged on the DRA Monthly Claim Report.

While checking in an issue, if the previous issue has not been checked in, claim the missing
immediately using EBSCONET.

When an electronic claim is submitted on EBSCONET, an email claim report from EBSCO will be sent to the Serials Librarian the next day. The Serials Librarian will forward a copy of the email message to the periodicals Staff for record keeping.

Keep track of the claims. Repeat claims if received no results.



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