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Free Microform Copying for Faculty


The charge for copying on the microform reader/printers is ten cents per print. As an accommodation to the faculty, ten free copies per week will be provided. There is no carry-over for the time (i.e. cannot make more than the 10 copies limit because no copying was made the previous week or moth). If the faculty needs more than 10 copies, coins must be inserted in the coin boxes. The faculty must make the copies him/herself. The library staff is not responsible for copying for faculty.


1. Contact the staff at the Information Desk.
2. If the faculty cannot come in the library personally to make the copies, and a student is sent, a note or a phone call from the faculty must be provided to let the staff know of the arrangement.
3. The staff at the information Desk will get the by-pass key from ILL (if ILL key is not available, contact one of the Periodicals staff members).
4. Inform the faculty of the 10 copies limit, and instruct the faculty how to operate and make copies on the reader/printer.
5. After making copies, complete a Faculty Coping Form, indicating the number of copies made, and the machine used.
6. Give the completed form to the Principal Library Periodicals staff.
7. Alternately, when the faculty knows that he/she will make more than the 10 copies limit for a research project, he/she can make arrangements with the Periodicals Librarian to charge the copying to the department. The Divisional Dean of the faculty must agree to the charge-back, and provide the paper work and budget number.
8. The Principal Periodicals staff will notify the library Bookkeeper to charge the Division for the copying at the end of the month, and funds will be transferred to the library budget.

Photo samples of the Faculty Copying Form: (click to enlarge)



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